dissabte, 30 de març del 2013

dimarts, 12 de març del 2013

Dept of Redundancy Dept.

Trope of the day! Department Of Redundancy Department Of Redundancy or whatever is it called

This trope explains the trope of Department Of Redundancy Department which consists on this page is a explaining the Dpt. of Redundancy of Redundancy. So if you look for an example of redundancy, this page is one big Department, most acronyms has it, EMP Pulse would actually be Electro-Magnetic Pulse Pulse, thus a redundant redundancy  here, I'll give you the picture of a cat toy for cats, not suited for children because it's suited for cats, thus not for children Tends to overlap with Captain Obvious, now, Ill give you some delicious quotes which will make you laugh.
John Lennon said: Our late editor is dead, he died of death, which killed him (Duh...)
Vinegar: Acetic acid, which actually is Acidic Acid (Here, take another trope, you saw it just now Learning Extra, though this was a link? That's called a Red Herring in blue)
OPEC stands for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Apparently, lots of people refer to "the OPEC countries."

divendres, 1 de març del 2013

Oh hi

Oh hi! :) So this is my blog... Kinda empty for now... Anyway, I'm gonna be well... defining tropes in order for them to be easy to understand! So, let's get to business!

What is a Trope?

First, it's pronounced ``Troup-hey´´, they end up being ideas you use to write fiction (I do!) 
Also there are tropes which are real, properly real, let's give all of you, doofuses a example!

All Red Entry (For the kicks I paint it RED!)
That'd be a page with only red links (If you have used at least one time the internet you'll know what that means) if someone does that on a wiki, they'd get an F and I'm serious...

This is a real life trope as you may have had seen on the wikis we all visit

Self-demonstrating Trope
Hello! I'm the self demonstrating trope! You may think I'm kinda messy... But that's me! A self demonstrating Trope!

Explanation: A trope who talks about Her/Him/itself here, take an title example
Blackout in the basement see? Simple and easy

So then, let's explain all of you future tropers more tropes!